Major Project

Week 1 - Week 15
(28/03/2022 - 08/07/2022)
Tabita Febrilia Dinata (0340357)
Major Project

WEEK 1 - Module Brief & Introduction

WEEK 2 - Ideation (1)

Consult to Mr. Azrizal
Format: Physical Consultation

"Find problem, then think how am i as a new media student can solve that problem? Must digital work, send it to Mr.Azrizal before this week end"

Consult to Mr. Azrizal
Format: Whatsapp

"Look deeper, what’s out there, whether there is any official guide and specific guide for project that has been done, if there is or not what’s special on your guide, find that unique selling proposition"

WEEK 3 - Ideation (2)

Consult to Mr. Azrizal
Format: Physical Consultation

"For the social media vs elderly must be detail, list of problems that elderly faced, how does senior citizen struggle on website, for the capsule app also must be detail"

WEEK 4 - Ideation (3)

Consult to Mr. Razif
Format: Online Zoom Consultation

Fig 1.1: Zoom session w/ Mr. Razif

" 1. First idea (social media website guide) is not good, little value, so not really into that idea, but if want to use this maybe can create a redesign of facebook based on what you found and prove it in the new design, then will have value

2. Quite interesting, but the unique selling proposition is not unique, make it more interesting, find that unique point, think/focus more on the memories and what will people experience, how do people receive the memories? example: facebook can create automatic memories video from the images people post in the past, suggestion: surprise factor and anticipation factors, build emotions, excitement"

WEEK 5 - Ideation (4)

Consult to Mr. Razif
Format: Online Zoom Consultation

Fig 1.2: Zoom session w/ Mr. Razif

" Must build mockup video for the project, build the process, must have a finish look, think about the theme why do people want to surprise someone, example anniversary, birthday, etc makes more sense for theme rather than just happy theme. Try to make it impactful, build a platform for people to create storyline. So few more things to expand: How will people create the content, need to build video. Next: Show the flow of the app."

WEEK 6 - Hari Raya

WEEK 7 - Rough Wireframe

I start to think about the flow and wireframe this week.

Fig 1.3: Wireframe

Consult to Mr. Razif
Format: Online Zoom Consultation

Fig 1.4: Zoom session w/ Mr. Razif

" Not detail yet, it's very rough, need to be clearer, there's a lot of things need to be specify, your key feature= when compose the message. UI has to be done properly bit more, expand panel, key feature is the creation of video, go back to plan and reorganise, flow should be choose theme (type of capsule) - when is the capsule open - then start creating content. "

WEEK 8 & 9 - PDW & Presentation
(16/05/2022 -20/05/2022)

PDW Reflection Report


Consult to Mr. Razif
Format: Online Zoom Consultation

Fig 1.5: Zoom session w/ Mr. Razif

" Why suddenly activity, can change to capsule idea / capsule something, the title make it more related. Give more value, have to be functional to present the other lecturers, if just screen still cannot see the value, highlight the feeling, come out with much more personalised experience, explore on experience, example; if in 10 years how many reminders? "


Consult to All Lecturers
Format: @Class Physical Presentation

" The technical is ok, Mr Vinod said make it simple but neat and clean, make the branding, Mr Razif said anticipation make it excited and special, for example there will be steps during the process, then Mr Vinod suggest maybe something like now it's your turn to make your capsule "

WEEK 10 - Project Progress 

Consult to Mr. Razif
Format: Online Zoom Consultation

Fig 1.6: Zoom session w/ Mr. Razif

" (anticipation part) need to be a bit more hype, the idea is not good it's like punishing people, give more task and no fun, think about what can make people feeling excited to wait the capsule, try to think about reward that make people eager to wait, leading people to something, go back and plan the option "

WEEK 11 - Project Progress 

Anticipation ideation:

1. the first one is the tear the paper / unblur, so everytime people receive the email, that is also the time for the receiver to reveal the invitation, and give some information or clue

2. just a simple invite for the people to create their own time capsule (feedback from mr vinod @week 8)

3. collect puzzle: the combination of puzzle and quiz idea, receiver just need to guess the puzzle piece or they just need to push a button to reveal the puzzle (at the end will reveal the whole invitation)

4. the receiver need to add something to the capsule each time they receive the email notif. example: email 1 (add picture), email 2 (add comment), email 3 (add video) and the content that they add can be just a random content or can follow the capsule theme

Consult to Mr. Razif
Format: WhatsApp chat

" 1-3 is fine. 4 is ok too but this might lead to many more screens to create "

WEEK 12 - Design & Prototyping

This week i try to come out with the logo and UI design.

Fig 1.7: Logo Design 

Fig 1.8: UI Design

At first i got so many names for the app, but after considering and asking friends and family mostly like the name of Momentory, means moment inventory. And after a lot of sketching and headache, this is the final logo.

Fig 1.9: Logo

WEEK 13 - Prototyping


Fig 1.10: Prototype

Consult to Mr. Razif
Format: Online Zoom Consultation

Fig 1.11: Online consultation

" Looks like panadol app, the colours, add visual picture to show that this is a memory app, so the design looks more alive, the anticipation part is ok "

WEEK 14 - Prototyping & Mockup

So this week i try to come out with the onboarding and home page with more visual. For the loading page animation I'm using after effect.

Fig 1.12: Animating AE

Then i try to apply to all the pages.

Fig 1.13: New Design

WEEK 15 - Finishing & Submission

so this week is the final submission, and i clean up all the prototype based on the story i created.

Fig 1.14: Adobe XD work




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